Clopixol Acuphase (Zuclopenthixole) 1 ampoule View larger

Clopixol Acuphase (Zuclopenthixole) 1 ampoule

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• If you have other questions, please talk your doctor or pharmacist.

• This medicine has been prescribed for you personally, do not give it to others.

• When using this medicine, tell your doctor or doctor if you go to the hospital.

• We sleep exactly as written in this instruction. Do not use high or low doses other than the recommended dose for the medication.

What is CLOPIXOL DEPOT and what is it used for?

CLOPIXOL DEPOT contains 200 mg / ml zuclopenthixol decanoate. It is a clear, pale yellow liquid. CLOPIXOL DEPOT injection solution; In 1 ml (200 mg) colorless glass ampoules are presented in cardboard boxes.

CLOPIXOL DEPOT belongs to the group of drugs known as "antipsychotics" or "neuroleptics". These drugs act on the nerve pathways in certain areas of the brain, helping to correct some chemical imbalances in your brain that cause symptoms of your disease.

CLOPIXOL DEPOT is used in the treatment of schizophrenia and similar psychoses.

Your doctor may recommend this medicine to you for other purposes. If you have any questions about why CLOPIXOL DEPOT is given to you, consult your doctor.


Your doctor will determine how much you need to take and how often you need to take it. Drug injected with your hips gradually enters your body from here. The blood level between the two injections of the drug, which gradually diffuses from the injection site into the blood, remains fairly constant.

Recommended dosage:


The normal dose is 1-2 ml and the interval between injections is usually 2 to 4 weeks. If your dose exceeds 2 ml, your medication will likely be divided into 2 separate injections.

If you are treated with CLOPIXOL tablets and you are anticipating going to CLOPIXOL DEPOT, you may be asked to continue taking tablets one more week after the first injection but with a lower dosage.

Your doctor may want to change the amount of medication and the time between injections from time to time.
Application path and method

At the required amount an injection of CLOPIXOL DEPOT is made and injected into the buttock muscle.
Different age groups

Use in children and adolescents:

CLOPIXOL DEPOT is not recommended for use in this patient group.
Use in the elderly

Generally the lowest treatment is used in the elderly.
Special use cases

Patients at special risk;

Liver failure:

Patients with liver complaints usually use the lowest treatment dose.
Kidney failure:

CLOPIXOL DEPOT can be given at usual doses with reduced renal function.
Treatment duration

Even if you feel good, continue to use your medicine at regular intervals as long as your doctor suggests. Because your disease can last for a long time. If you stop treatment too soon, your disease may reappear. Your doctor will decide for the duration of your treatment.

If you have an impression that the effect of CLOPIXOL DEPOT is too strong or weak, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.
If you use more CLOPIXOL DEPOT than you need

This medicine will be administered by you or your nurse. For this reason, it is unlikely that you will receive more CLOPIXOL DEPOT than you need to use.

Situations that may occur when taking an overdose include:
Long-term depression and drowsiness
Coma (a deep loss of consciousness where no reaction is given to the surroundings and drowsiness that can not be awakened)
Unusual muscle movements
Shock (especially reduction in system work due to insufficient circulation of blood throughout the circulatory system)
Body temperature is high or low
If CLOPIXOL DEPOT is taken in overdose with medications known to affect the heart, heart rate changes such as heart rate irregularity, deceleration may be seen.

Talk to your doctor or pharmacist for any other questions about your medication.
If you forgot to use CLOPIXOL DEPOT

Do not take double doses to compensate for forgotten doses.
Effects that may occur when treatment with CLOPIXOL DEPOT is terminated

Your doctor will decide when and how to stop treatment.

What are the possible side effects?

As with all medicines, there may be side effects in people sensitive to substances in the CLOPIXOL DEPOT.

The side effects are listed as shown in the following categories:

Very common: it can be seen in at least 1 of 10 patients.

Common: less than 1 in 10 patients, but more than 1 in 100 patients.

Uncommon: less than 1 in 100 patients, but more than 1 in 1,000 patients. Rare: less than 1 in 1,000 patients, but more than 1 in 10,000 patients.

Very rare: less than 1 in 10,000 patients.

It is not known: the frequency can not be estimated.
If you notice any of the following, tell your doctor immediately or contact your nearest hospital.

Unusual movements in the mouth and on the undersurface (this may be an early sign of a condition known as tardive dyskinesia).

Very rare:
High fever, unusual stiffness in the muscles, and impaired consciousness, especially with sweating and rapid heartbeat; these findings are consistent with the use of different antipsychotics

it may be an indication of a rare condition called the "neuroleptic malignant syndrome" that has been reported.
Skin or eye swelling (this may be a sign of liver affects and jaundice).

All these are serious side effects. Immediate medical attention may be required.
If you notice any of the following, tell your doctor.

The following side effects are quite evident at the beginning of the treatment,

it will disappear.

Very common:
Suffering (somnolence), inability to sit still or motionless (akathisia), involuntary movements (hyperkinesia), slow or diminished movements (hypokinesia)
Oral establishment

Fast heartbeat (tachycardia), fast heartbeat, strong or irregular feeling (palpitations)
Tremor is a disorder characterized by continuous twitching (serpentine) or repetitive movements or abnormal stance (dystonia), increased muscle rigidity (hypertension), dizziness, headache, deep tingling, pinning or numbness (paresthesia), attention deficit, memory loss amnesia), walking abnormality
Focusing on near objects difficulty (accommodation disorder), visual anomalies
The body is constantly spinning or swinging (vertigo)
Nasal congestion, difficulty in breathing or pain (dyspnea)
Increased salivation, constipation, vomiting, digestive problems or upper abdominal discomfort (dyspepsia), diarrhea
Dysuria, incontinence (urinary retention), increased urine volume
Increase in sweating (hyperhidrosis), itching
Muscle pain (myalgia)
Appetite increase, weight gain
Fatigue, weakness (asthenia), feeling of general discomfort or fatigue, pain
Insomnia, depression, anxiety, anxiety, abnormal dreams (agitation), decreased sexual drive (decreased libido)


• Excessive or overactive reflexes (hyperreflexia), jerky movements (dyskinesia), parkinsonism, syncope, unable to coordinate muscle movements (ataxia), speech impairment, decreased muscle tone (hypotonia), convulsions, migraine
Circular movement of the eye (oculography), enlargement of the eye baby (mydriasis)
Excessive sensitivity to some tonal tones, or difficulty to tolerate everyday voices (hyperacusis), ringing in the ears.
Abdominal pain, nausea, gas

• Bleeding under the skin, which is seen as rash, light-sensitive skin reaction (photosensitivity reaction), pigmentation deficiency, oily, bright and yellowish skin (sebore) due to excessive sebum secretion, eczema or dermatitis, purpura)
Muscle rigidity, trismus, neck rotation and unnatural head position (torticollis)
Decreased appetite, weight loss
Low blood pressure (hypotension), fever
Susma, abnormal low body temperature (hypothermia), fever (pyrexia)
Inferior redness and pain at the injection site
Abnormal liver function tests
Sexual problems (delays in emptying, hardening problems, lack of orgasm in women, vaginal dryness (vulvovaginal dryness))
Apparently, apathy, apathy, nightmares, increased libido (increased libido), confusion

The number of low blood clotting cells (thrombocytopenia), the number of low white blood cells (neutropenia), the number of white blood cells (leukopenia), bone marrow poisoning (agranulocytosis)
Kanda prolactin (a hormone) level increase (hyperprolactinemia)
High blood sugar, impaired glucose tolerance, high blood sugar levels (hyperlipidemia)
Hypersensitivity, acute systemic and severe allergic reaction (anaphylactic reaction)
In males, growth in females (gynecomastia), excessive milk production (galactore), menstruation (amenore), painful erection (priapism) not accompanied by penis sexual drive or urge,

These are minor side effects of CLOPIXOL DEPOT.

Zuclopenthixol decanoate (CLOPIXOL DEPOT)

Things to watch out for before using CLOPIXOL DEPOT
CLOPIXOL DEPOT NOT USE in the following situations

If you are allergic to zuklopenthixol or any substance in the CLOPIXOL DEPOT formula, you are allergic (see list of adjuvants)
If you have a sense of consciousness.

Consult your doctor or pharmacist before using CLOPIXOL DEPOT

If you have liver, kidney or thyroid problems,
If you have advanced respiratory disease,
If you have Parkinson's disease or myasthenia gravis disease (a disease that causes excessive muscle weakness)
If you have prostate enlargement or pheochromocytoma (a rare cancer of the adrenal gland)
If you have glaucoma,
If you have epilepsy (and conditions that may cause epileptic predisposition, such as alcohol abuse or brain damage)
If there is a history of convulsions in your past,
If you have diabetes (an adjustment to your diabetes treatment may be required)

• If you have organic brain syndrome (this can occur as a result of poisoning with alcohol or organic solvents)
If you have risk factors for stroke (eg, smoking, high blood pressure)

• If you have a low amount of potassium or magnesium in your blood, or if you have genetic predisposition to one of these,
If you have a history of cardiovascular disease,
If you are using another antipsychotic,
Since these and similar drugs are associated with the formation of blood clots, if you or a member of the family has a history of thrombus (blood clotting) (venous thromboembolism (blood clot formation in the collecting veins) risk)
If you are seeing cancer treatment.

CLOPIXOL DEPOT is not recommended for use in elderly patients with dementia (dementia), as it can lead to serious side effects (increased risk of death).

Animal studies have shown that CLOPIXOL affects fertility. Consult your doctor for advice.

Please consult your doctor if these reminders apply to you at any time in the past.
Use of CLOPIXOL DEPOT with food and beverage

CLOPIXOL DEPOT can be used on hungry or tummy stomach.

CLOPIXOL DEPOT can increase the sedative effect of alcohol and lead to more dizziness. It is recommended that you do not use alcohol during treatment with CLOPIXOL DEPOT.

Consult your doctor or pharmacist before using this medication.

If you are pregnant or you feel pregnant, tell your doctor. CLOPIXOL DEPOT should not be used during pregnancy unless absolutely necessary.


Ask your doctor if pregnancy preventive measures should be taken.

If you notice that you are pregnant during your treatment, consult your doctor or pharmacist immediately.

Consult your doctor or pharmacist before using this medication.


Vehicle and machine use

When using CLOPIXOL DEPOT, there is a risk of dizziness and dizziness especially at the beginning of treatment. If this is the case, do not drive or use machinery until these effects are over.
Use with other medicines

Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are using any of the following medicines or if you have recently used them:
Tricyclic antidepressants (used in the treatment of depression, eg, imipramine, mianserin, trazodone)
Guanethidine and similar drugs (used to lower blood pressure)
Barbiturates and similar medicines (such as astringent drugs) (eg, phenobarbital, diazepam, alprazolam, midazolam)
Drugs used in Sara (epilepsy) treatment (eg, carbamazepine, gabapentin, phenytoin)
Levodopa and similar drugs (used in Parkinson's disease)
Metoclopramide (used in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders)
Piperazine (used in the treatment of intestinal worms and hair follicles).
Drugs that affect the water or salt balance in your body (reduce the amount of potassium and magnesium in your blood, eg, furosemide)
Anticholinergic drugs (eg, atropine)
Clopixol Depot is known to increase the level of drugs (eg, bupropion, kini din, fluoxetine, paroxetine)

The following medicines should not be used at the same time as CLOPIXOL DEPOT:
Drugs that alter heart rate (eg, quinidine, amiodarone, sotalol, dofetilide, erythromycin, terfenadine, astemizole, gatifloxazin, moxifloxazin, cisapride, lithium)

Other antipsychotic drugs (eg, thioridazine).